

My name is Craig J. Phillips. I am 58 years old. I possess an undergraduate degree in theology and physical education / recreation. I possess a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling. I have worked during the past 30 years assisting individuals in various altruistic capacities in their pursuit of their dreams and their destinies.

While working through undergraduate and graduate school I worked in a variety of human service positions assisting individuals in various capacities.  Among these capacities, I worked in assisted living centers, in a residential treatment center and as a counselor with in the cemetery and funeral industries. In these positions I sought to provide well-being and hope.

Post graduate school, I worked as a certified rehabilitation counselor in both public and private rehabilitation settings assisting individuals with physical, emotional and psychological disabilities. My focus has been to help individuals  find ways to use their gifts, talents and abilities to pursue their dreams and their destinies.

Each of my altruistic pursuits has provided a unique window into the lives of individuals throughout the spectrum of life’s experiences. With this window of understanding and my desire to be of service, I have sought to grow in my self-discovery, self-reflection and self-exploration, to then in turn give of what I have gained through my pursuit of personal growth and personal empowerment.

Through my professional pursuits, as well as my personal endeavors to be of service; I have sought to grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance. As I have grown in self-awareness and self-acceptance, I have grown in my ability to take healthy and positive action in life. This action has given me a fresh perspective on how to create hope in my life, which I would like to share with you through my web site, Create a Spark of Hope.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Ron

    Hi Craig
    This looks really good and will reach a variety of people on the internet,
    God is using you in this way to share your experience,strength and hope.
    Take Care and God Bless,



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