Moving through the Door of Hope

Light on the other side of the door pictureIn a recent article, Opening the Door to Hope;  I spoke to the need to face and address loss, to be able to move on with life. The first step in this process is to face the denial that seeks to keep me in darkness. The denial that seeks to deceive and keep the individual from seeing the light that is on the other side of the door, that is opening.

Denial seeks to keep the individual fixated on the door that has closed. Denial can be likened to a warm blanket that shields and protects. Nevertheless, after a time, denial only serves to mask feelings that fester, undermine and cripple. Denial interferes, as it seeks to justify and legitimate through blame, shame and scapegoating.

Denial searches to make someone else responsible for…Denial perpetuates feelings of helplessness and keeps the individual focused on what can’t be changed. Denial leads the individual to believe that they are a victim of circumstances. Denial seeks to keep the individual stuck and prone to re-injury. Re-injury to their mind, body, soul and spirit, that only promotes unrest and acts like a cancer that devours from with in the individual.

But the good news is that denial no longer has to limit, cripple or undermine. Little by little, by focusing on what we can change; the pain that once stymied us becomes a catalyst and a guide. A catalyst to motivate and a guide to lead us through the door, created by the grieving process. A process that will open our eyes to see the light that is on the other side of the door. The door that will open to a new room, where we can begin to create hope.

I feel that as long as you’re honest, you have the opportunity to grow. It’s when you shut down, go into denial, and try to start hiding things from yourself and others, that’s when you lock in certain behaviors and attitudes that keep you stuck.” Tracy McMillan

See my article, Creating Hope One Ingredient at a Time by clicking on this link: Creating Hope One Ingredient at a Time

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